Tag Archives: toll road
Blacklands Corridor study area expanded
Read the article in The Herald Banner, Greenville, TX.
Here is a side-by-side view of the study areas. Click to see a larger view.
Letters to the editor
Good points. Thanks for writing this!
More Questions » Letters to the editor » The Herald Banner, Greenville, TX.
About the toll road
A private company, Texas Turnpike Corporation/Public Werks Inc., is planning to build a toll road connecting Greenville, TX in Hunt County to Lavon, TX in Collin County. This project plans to use the Northeast Texas Rural Rail Transportation District’s (NETEX) right-of-way property for the location of the road. The railroad’s property is only about 100 feet wide, which is not wide enough to support the 4-lane divided highway AND leave room for NETEX’s rail restoration future plans. That means private property will be confiscated in order to build the road.
If you own property along the railroad’s right-of-way, you can expect to have anywhere from 100-300 feet (maybe more) of your property taken from you “for the greater good.” You will not be told about this in a timely manner. It is already in the works.
It is up to private property owners to take a stand and protect YOUR property.