RTC Applies the Brakes

Finally someone recognizes that this project has been on the fast track with VERY little public support. The RTC has basically told TTC/Public Werks and Hunt County that they need to slow down and follow procedure. RTC indicates that this project has NOT done due diligence in informing the public and determining if this project is really needed. The link below is to a video of the RTC meeting on March 14, 2013. I am including a list of the relevant segments so you do not have to watch the entire video, unless you are inclined to do so. After clicking the link below, click on Item #10 on the right hand side of the page. Then you can skip to the following segments.


minutes 2:00-3:00
minutes 4:30-5:00
minutes 7:50-18:36
(This is the discussion segment. Judge Horn is in the red shirt, Michael Morris is the gentleman speaking on behalf of COG, and Duncan Webb (sitting close to Judge Horn) is a commissioner from Collin County. Webb is in favor of the move by COG to study this further. Collin Co. is not on board with the toll road.)

Commissioner’s Williams Collin Co. Precinct 2 Town Hall 31 January 2013

Event Page. The focus for this town hall is on transportation. Please see her facebook page for agenda details. She has made time for residents to discuss the proposed toll road.

The proposed toll road will be open for discussion with the Commissioner as the last agenda item for that town hall. This is your chance to provide feedback to her about the proposed toll road and its impacts to your Precinct.


Collin County Commissioner’s Court meeting schedule

Collin County Commissioner’s Court meets every Monday at 1:30 pm with the exception of holidays or a fifth Monday. They will take public comments on any subject at the beginning of each meeting.

Citizens have three minutes to speak but the court cannot respond if the item is not on that day’s agenda.

This coming Monday there is an item on the agenda to brief the court on the tollroad and NETEX meeting. Please prepare your 3 minute statements so you can make the most of your time with the court.

Collin County Commissioners Court Collin County Administration Building

2300 Bloomdale Rd., Suite 4192 McKinney, TX 75071

Email: commcourt@collincountytx.gov Phone: 972-424-1460 ext. 4631

Fax: 972-548-4699

County Commissioners
2016 (R) Matt Shaheen Commissioner, Precinct 1 972-548-4628
2014 (R) Cheryl Williams Commissioner, Precinct 2 972-548-4626
2016 (R) Chris Hill Commissioner, Precinct 3 972-548-4625
2014 (R) Duncan Webb Commissioner, Precinct 4 972-548-4627


Commissioners Court every 2d and 4th Tuesday each Month

The commissioners court is held every 2d and 4th Tuesday every month at 1000 am at the same Hunt Co. Court Room.
The toll road project will come up on the agenda from now on with little or no notice other than the prior Sunday paper announcement.
Please contact your County Commissioner to let him know how you feel about this project.