NCTCOG site for up-to-date information on the Blacklands Corridor Feasibility Study. Visit this site to leave a question or comment for the RTC.
Information regarding the signing of the lease between TTC and NETEX and a copy of the lease can be found here: NETEX Lease
The NCTCOG RTC meeting where the Blacklands Toll Road was changed to the Blacklands Corridor Feasability Study. Some very interesting insight into the history of the project. Pertinent segments are noted so you don’t have to watch the whole video. Click here.
A very interesting read on why privately owned toll roads are a BAD idea.
North Central Texas Council of Governments
Regional Transportation Council
NCTCOG Blacklands Corridor Info
Northeast Texas Rural Rail Transportation District (NETEX)
(These folks may be able to help. Read this page to help understand some of the concerns the proposed toll road raises.)