Northeast Gate Map Lavon-Wylie portion
( Blog Note- This map was passed out to community members in the Wylie area, it was not provided by TTC to our blog).
“Plans for the tollway would have the road cut between Community Park and the Garland landfill. The road is expected to be mostly four lanes, spanning 27 miles from PGBT to FM1570. An impact study of the proposed project showed some houses directly in the path of the road. While Public Werks does have the power of imminent domain, (Neal) Barker said the ability would only be used in extreme cases.
According to (Neal) Barker, there has only been one other private toll road in the state: the Camino Colombia Toll Road in Laredo. The Camino Colombia tollway opened in 2000, and by 2003 it was foreclosed due to lower-than-projected traffic counts and high costs, among other things.”
(Blog Note-The Camino Colombia tollway was foreclosed on late in 2003, and was purchased by its main creditor, the John Hancock Life Insurance Company, for the minimum $12 million, 1/6 of the construction value. The only other bidder was the Texas Department of Transportation at $11 million. The route was subsequently closed to all traffic until May 2004 when TxDOT purchased the route from John Hancock for a negotiated $20 million.).
The next public meeting is in Lavon at 6:00pm on Sept. 4 at the NeSmith Elementary School 801 Presidents Blvd. Lavon, Texas 75166.
Please attend in order to get the most up to date information and make your voice heard. If you can not attend, please use the big blue comments button on the Blacklands Corridor website and your comments will be entered into the public records, just the same as if you had spoken at the meeting.