Texas Attorney General approves our request for copy of lease

The Texas AG has denied CottonBelt Turnpike LP request for an exception to the Public Information Act to prevent certain parts of the lease with NETEX from being made public. ( NETEX had no issue with releasing the lease, but the NETEX lawyer made the request based on a request from TTC/Publicwerks after several FOIA requests were made.) The NETEX lawyer, Mr. Banowsky has been very professional during this entire process.

AG FOIA NETEX letter 4-11-2013

Please read the entire letter from the TX AG office as it does explain what TTC/ Publicwerks was attempting to call proprietary information and prevent our examination of the lease that NETEX signed with them on 1/9/2013 with a vote of 6-5.

The nay votes were all very concerned with the language contained in the lease, and specific language (they were assured would be included from a previous review of a draft) not contained in the lease that was approved .

All of the nay votes included issue with how the lease affected NETEX’s ability to make any profit by leasing any RoW to TTC/ Publicwerks and allowing them to run a private toll road as a means to raise funds for the NETEX Rural Railroad District.

When we have a copy of the lease we will post it.


2 thoughts on “Texas Attorney General approves our request for copy of lease

    • Kristen, please checkout the post where I posted the link to the lease right after the NETEX lawyer emailed it to me.

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