Collin County Commissioner’s Court meeting schedule

Collin County Commissioner’s Court meets every Monday at 1:30 pm with the exception of holidays or a fifth Monday. They will take public comments on any subject at the beginning of each meeting.

Citizens have three minutes to speak but the court cannot respond if the item is not on that day’s agenda.

This coming Monday there is an item on the agenda to brief the court on the tollroad and NETEX meeting. Please prepare your 3 minute statements so you can make the most of your time with the court.

Collin County Commissioners Court Collin County Administration Building

2300 Bloomdale Rd., Suite 4192 McKinney, TX 75071

Email: Phone: 972-424-1460 ext. 4631

Fax: 972-548-4699

County Commissioners
2016 (R) Matt Shaheen Commissioner, Precinct 1 972-548-4628
2014 (R) Cheryl Williams Commissioner, Precinct 2 972-548-4626
2016 (R) Chris Hill Commissioner, Precinct 3 972-548-4625
2014 (R) Duncan Webb Commissioner, Precinct 4 972-548-4627


2 thoughts on “Collin County Commissioner’s Court meeting schedule

  1. Can you give me the location address for the Commissioners Court Meetings on Mondays?

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